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3000 Calorie Gainer Shake

Weight Gainer Shake

If you are looking to put on some size or gain some weight for the upcoming season then this shake is sure to help out. This weight gainer shake not only tastes great it weighs in at nearly 3000 calories! With that many calories, it can pack on the weight quick! It’s also great when you are in that mid season grind and you are not eating enough between studying, athletics, class, and friends…and will help maintain that weight you worked hard to put on in the offseason.


Ingredients for Weight Gainer Shake

  1. 2 Cups Half & Half
  2. 1 Cup Peanut Butter
  3. A few tablespoons Chocolate Syrup (you can also substitute grape or strawberry jelly for a pb&j taste)
  4. A scoop of Protein Powder or Other Weight Gainer of your choice.
  5. 2 tbs of Coconut oil
  6. One banana


Schedules are out and the shop is open!

Hey guys!  The official schedules are up!  Check them out here:  We are super excited for this weekend.  The weather looks great!

We also wanted to let you know the MSM shop has reopened for a short period of time.  If you missed out on getting an awesome hoodie or just want an extra shirt now is your chance to order.  We will keep the store open until Monday or Tuesday after the tournament.

Our vendors are awesome so after we place the order we should have your gear quickly.  We will schedule a pick up time since everyone is local so we don’t have to charge shipping.  Happy Shopping!

See you this weekend!