MSM Testimonials:

Paula Russ

This was a great experience for my 8th grader. He has not played baseball for 2 years and he loved that he could play in a tournament with all his friends. He had a blast!

Amy McGuire

Our son has played in 2 tourney's now and has a great time! We enjoy seeing old friends from old teams! The MSM group is really great, and it's awesome to know some of this benefits others! The local schools need to do a better job of promoting though, we only learned about it from our regular team coach and had to scramble some at the school by word of mouth through the kids- This is a GREAT opportunity for the kids to make school friends for years to come that they otherwise wouldn't be able too! looking forward to continuing!

Bryan Borden

This was our first experience with MSM and we loved every part of it from the ease of signing up, the great communication before and during the tournament, and the experience our son got to play with his school friends and compete at a high level.