Dallas Football Registration

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MSM Testimonials:

Allison Aring

My player really enjoyed being a free agent and the team of boys he played with. Coaching staff was excellent and the team welcoming. #happybaseball for sure

Mieko Cook

First time this year playing MSM and my son had a blast ! He got to play with friends and other players he wouldn’t normally had played or played with and it was a huge confidence booster for my son as he had a challenging Spring 2021 Season. Looking forward to the fall MSM!

Heather Armstrong

The level of competition was incredible. The event was very well run and the communication was also second to none. My son loved the school gear and having the opportunity to play baseball for his school (we'll never understand why baseball can't be a "school sport" in middle school). Our team ended up winning our division so that was a bonus but my son would have loved the experience almost as much if we'd only have played 3 games. My son was also thrilled that the booster club at his school had a social media post announcing it first thing this morning. Such a cool experience all the way around. Thank you for organizing this!