MSM Atlanta Preregistration
Awesome! Thank you for you for becoming an MSM VIP! Just fill out a couple fields below and we will put you first on the list to get early entry into the event and all the updates!
Why should you preregister?
Preregistration helps us build the momentum we need to have the best event possible. When you sign up, others from your school will see this and it helps them sign up and then we build this snowball of #happybaseball! Plus it's free and just takes 35 seconds!
MSM Testimonials:
My 6th grade son, Cade, had a blast at both the summer & fall MSM tourneys! Thanks for putting together this awesome opportunity! I heard Cade say many times “This is so much fun!” There were smiles all around, evidence that it truly is #happybaseball!
The kids really enjoyed this event, hope to participate again!
This tournament was so much fun and relaxing!! Smiles in all the players faces!! It was great to see the kids razz (joke) with their friends from other schools as they came around the bases. Can’t wait for the fall one!