houston, TX

Middle school matchup championship

WHEN: December 7 - 8 2024

Location: Houston area fields

Event Info



When: December 7 - 8 2024
Where: Houston Area Fields

Status: Open for Registration

  • Registration Open to Everyone - September 13, 2024
  • Registration Closed - November 1, 2024
  • Team Released - November 04, 2024
  • Schedule Released - December 01, 2024
  • Package Pickup - December 02, 2024
  • Pool Play Day -  December 06 - 07, 2024
  • Bracket Day - December 08, 2024



Middle School Matchup is pretty unique. Here are couple of graphics to get you started.  If you are brand new to MSM we suggest grabbing our new player info packet by clicking the link below.

We form teams, just for one weekend, based on what school and grade you attend! We put you in a school jersey and then you go out and have a total blast playing the game you love with the pals you grew up with.



AaronGuzman7th Humble ISD-Humble Combo
AaronManuel7th Humble ISD-West Lake
AaronPrevatt7th Klein ISD-Klein Combo
AayanPatel6th Humble ISD-West Lake-Navy
AbrahamGonzalez7th Goose Creek ISD-Goose Creek Combo
AdamNicksic6th Katy ISD-Katy Combo
AdamHarrell6th Magnolia ISD-Bear Branch Int
AdamBucher8th Conroe ISD-Knox
AdamAntu8th Deer Park ISD-Fairmont
AdenRossette8th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills
AdrianJurado6th Clear Creek ISD-Creekside
AdrianCabrera6th Humble ISD-Houston Combo
AdrianMcpeak6th Humble ISD-West Lake-Navy
AdrianMartinez8th CyFair ISD-CyFair Combo
AdrianFlores8th Galveston ISD-Central
AdrianCepeda8th Humble ISD-West Lake-Navy
AidanDe Vries6th CyFair ISD-CyFair Combo
AidanLennox7th Katy ISD-Woodcreek
AidenVorster6th Conroe ISD-Tough
AidenJones7th CyFair ISD-CyFair/Waller Combo
AidenSprague8th Klein ISD-Krimmel
AlbertoKuri6th Humble ISD-Woodcreek
AlecAranda6th Tomball ISD-Northpointe-Navy
AlecWebb7th Lamar ISD-Reading
AlekJudson7th Humble ISD-Kingwood
AlessandroRenteria6th Conroe ISD-North Combo
AlexToth6th Klein ISD-Klein Combo
AlexCarpio7th Crosby ISD-Crosby
AlexLizalde7th Humble ISD-Kingwood
AlexCavazos7th Pearland ISD-Pearland East
AlexMoak8th Humble ISD-Humble Combo
AlexOstermann8th Montgomery ISD-Montgomery/Magnolia Combo
AlexanderJones6th Conroe ISD-Tough
AlexanderSalinas6th Humble ISD-Woodcreek
AlexanderNemeth6th Klein ISD-Klein Combo
AlexanderDoohaluk6th Lamar ISD-Lamar Combo
AlexanderTidwell8th Conroe ISD-Conroe Combo
AlfredCruz8th Klein ISD-Klein Combo
AmandoGarcia7th Goose Creek ISD-Goose Creek Combo
Andre AJPineda6th CyFair ISD-CyFair Combo
AndresCepeda6th Humble ISD-West Lake-Green
AndresYanes Viera7th New Caney ISD-New Caney Combo
AndrewFrilot6th Conroe ISD-Conroe Combo
AndrewKarels6th Tomball ISD-Tomball
AndrewZabriskie8th Conroe ISD-Conroe Combo
AndrewBachman8th Conroe ISD-Irons
AndrewTiblier8th Klein ISD-Krimmel
AndrewDuhon8th Tomball ISD-Creekside Park
AndrezPerez8th Tomball ISD-Creekside Park
AndrezPerez8th Tomball ISD-Creekside Park
AngelReyes6th Goose Creek ISD-Gentry
AngelOlvera8th Humble ISD-West Lake-Navy
AngelEspinoza8th Klein ISD-Klein Combo
AngelLuis8th Klein ISD-Klein Combo
AngelAleman8th La Porte ISD-La Porte/Deer Combo
angelsuarez8th Montgomery ISD-Montgomery/Magnolia Combo
AnsonAdams7th Conroe ISD-McCullough-Green
AnthonyHernandez6th Humble ISD-Houston Combo
AnthonyCaridi6th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills-Navy
AnthonyArnold7th Conroe ISD-Conroe Combo
ArianHall6th Humble ISD-West Lake-Green
ArmandoBuenrostro8th CyFair ISD-CyFair Combo
Arturo “AJ”Ibarra6th Goose Creek ISD-Gentry
AscherDyson7th Tomball ISD-Tomball
AsherBurdick6th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills-Gold
AsherHesson6th Tomball ISD-Oakcrest-Navy
AshleyHegemeyer8th Montgomery ISD-Montgomery/Magnolia Combo
AshtonSteele7th Lamar ISD-Lamar/Fort Bend Combo
AustinPerry6th Humble ISD-Humble Combo
AustinPollard6th Magnolia ISD-Bear Branch Int
AustinRossette6th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills-Navy
AustinPederson6th Tomball ISD-Tomball
AustinKilgore7th Clear Creek ISD-Clear Creek Combo 2
AustinWalzer7th Conroe ISD-Conroe Combo
AustinHernandez7th Conroe ISD-McCullough-Red
AustinDuke8th Huntsville ISD-Mance Park
AustinMurray8th Tomball ISD-Creekside Park
AustinGuilbeau8th Tomball ISD-Tomball Combo
AveryFreeman6th Tomball ISD-Creekside Park
axeldwyer6th Tomball ISD-Tomball
AydenWebster6th Clear Creek ISD-Clear Creek Combo
AydenTaylor7th Lamar ISD-Reading
AydenBurrow8th Montgomery ISD-Montgomery/Magnolia Combo
AydenPulfer8th Montgomery ISD-Montgomery/Magnolia Combo
BarrettPearcy6th Tomball ISD-Oakcrest-Silver
BarrettRedd8th Tomball ISD-Tomball Combo
BaylenGoff6th Crosby ISD-Crosby
BeauKelley6th Humble ISD-Humble Combo
BeauMartinez6th Katy ISD-Katy Combo
BeckettMolder7th Humble ISD-West Lake
BeckettBearden8th Tomball ISD-Willow Wood
BenTietze6th Conroe ISD-Tough
BenNelson7th Katy ISD-Katy
BenjaminNarcy6th Katy ISD-Katy
BenjaminZuidervliet6th Klein ISD-Hildebrandt
BenjaminCurtis6th Lamar ISD-Ryon
BenjaminKishbaugh6th Tomball ISD-Northpointe-Navy
BenjaminGray7th Clear Creek ISD-Clear Creek Combo 2
BenjaminWiley7th CyFair ISD-CyFair/Waller Combo
BenjaminRodriguez7th Goose Creek ISD-Goose Creek Combo
BenjaminWilliams7th Klein ISD-Hofius
BenjaminRedeo8th Klein ISD-Krimmel
BennettPickard7th Conroe ISD-McCullough-Red
BentleyNewlin6th Barbers Hill ISD-Barbers Hill
BentleyLoomis7th Splendora ISD-Splendora
BentleyGrimm8th Willis ISD-Willis Combo
BillyCholewin6th Magnolia ISD-Magnolia Int
BishopStidham6th Conroe ISD-Clark-Orange
BlaineMoorhead6th Conroe ISD-Conroe Combo
BlaineDavid8th Huntsville ISD-Mance Park
BlakeSmith6th Conroe ISD-Clark-Orange
BlakeEissler6th Conroe ISD-Mitchell
BlakeMiller6th Humble ISD-Woodcreek
BlakeCavallo6th Lamar ISD-Ryon
BlakeWilliams7th Klein ISD-Klein Combo
BlakeDorman7th Magnolia ISD-Magnolia/New Waverly Combo
BlakeVernon8th CyFair ISD-Salyards
BoBurell6th Friendswood ISD-Friendswood-Blue
BostonOKelley6th Tomball ISD-Northpointe-Silver
BOWENLUEDKE7th Montgomery ISD-Montgomery-Purple
BradPark6th Lamar ISD-Ryon
BraddockAnthony6th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills-Gold
BradenKarnauch6th Conroe ISD-Clark-Navy
BradenKastner8th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills
BradfordScaramuzzi7th New Caney ISD-New Caney Combo
BradleyJelinek7th Conroe ISD-Conroe Combo
BradleyCeren7th Tomball ISD-Creekside/Willow Combo
BradyAsh6th Magnolia ISD-Bear Branch Int
BradyHolmes7th Katy ISD-Woodcreek
BradyFerraro7th Pearland ISD-Pearland East
BradySegura8th CyFair ISD-Spillane
BradyGray8th Huntsville ISD-Mance Park
BradyTaylor8th Magnolia ISD-Magnolia JH
BradynPatrick6th Tomball ISD-Oakcrest-Silver
BrandonRiehl6th Goose Creek ISD-Gentry
BransonSbrusch6th Needville ISD-Needville
BrantleyTheiss6th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills-Gold
BrantleyDittert7th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills-Gold
BraxstonJohnson6th Magnolia ISD-Magnolia Int
BraxtenHajovsky7th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills-Navy
BraxtonPina7th Goose Creek ISD-Goose Creek Combo
BraxtonHajovsky7th Lamar ISD-Reading
BraxtonOrum8th Conroe ISD-Knox
BraydenHuntley6th Barbers Hill ISD-Barbers Hill
BraydenAdams6th CyFair ISD-CyFair Combo
BraydenStastny6th Klein ISD-Klein Combo
BraydenThomas6th Magnolia ISD-Magnolia Int
BraydenVelez6th Magnolia ISD-Magnolia Int
BraydenWorthen6th Tomball ISD-Tomball
BraydenTechmeier7th Lamar ISD-Lamar/Fort Bend Combo
BraydenBuckholts7th Tomball ISD-Tomball
BraylonOlree7th Goose Creek ISD-Goose Creek Combo
BraysonAdams6th Tomball ISD-Northpointe-Silver
BreckenSemmler6th Tomball ISD-Oakcrest-Navy
BrendanManley7th Katy ISD-Katy Combo
BrendanMehrens7th Woodlands Christian
BrennanGramss8th Tomball ISD-Creekside Park
BrettDube7th Klein ISD-Hofius
BrettHotaling8th Magnolia ISD-Magnolia JH
BrewerBrady7th Klein ISD-Kleb/Strack Combo
BrianGlaude6th Humble ISD-West Lake-Green
BrianOechsel8th CyFair ISD-Spillane
BrianRevels8th Katy ISD-Katy Combo
BrittonVillarreal6th Clear Creek ISD-Bayside/Westbrook Combo
BrockYoung6th Conroe ISD-North Combo
BrockHaynes7th Conroe ISD-York-Orange
BrockFord7th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills-Gold
BrodieSanchez8th Conroe ISD-Irons
BrodyBarker6th Klein ISD-Klein Combo
BrodyPargmann6th Tomball ISD-Oakcrest-Silver
BrodyBowen7th Conroe ISD-York-Orange
BrodyCooper8th CyFair ISD-Salyards
BrooksBurton6th Clear Creek ISD-Creekside
BrooksMckinney6th Katy ISD-Katy Combo
BrooksHarris7th Conroe ISD-York-Blue
BrooksWood7th Crosby ISD-Crosby
BrooksEichenberger8th Montgomery ISD-Montgomery/Magnolia Combo
BryceBautovich6th Conroe ISD-Conroe Combo
BryceYurick6th Humble ISD-West Lake-Navy
BrycePotter7th Magnolia ISD-Magnolia/New Waverly Combo
BryceBlanton7th Trinity Galveston
BryceHarcrow8th Magnolia ISD-Bear Branch JH
BryceYoung8th Willis ISD-Willis Combo
BrycenMartin6th Katy ISD-Katy Combo
BrycenOrlando8th Katy ISD-Katy Combo
BrydonSokol8th Magnolia ISD-Bear Branch JH
BrylanWilliams8th Needville ISD-Needville
BryseEschete6th Tomball ISD-Oakcrest-Silver
BrysonHord7th Crosby ISD-Crosby
BrysonMcCune7th Humble ISD-Humble Combo
BrysonParker7th Klein ISD-Klein Combo
BrysonJohnson8th Huntsville ISD-Mance Park
CadeCarbo6th Conroe ISD-Clark-Navy
CadeAllee6th Klein ISD-Hildebrandt
CadeHendrix6th Tomball ISD-Creekside Park
CadeCaskey7th Katy ISD-Woodcreek
CadeMaynor7th Pearland ISD-Pearland East
CadeCovert7th Trinity Galveston
CadeSmith8th Montgomery ISD-Montgomery/Magnolia Combo
CadeHammonds8th Needville ISD-Needville
CadeAbril8th Tomball ISD-Creekside Park
CadenSchwem6th Clear Creek ISD-Bayside/Westbrook Combo
CaelPerkins8th CyFair ISD-Spillane
CaellumChavez7th Lamar ISD-Reading
CahanCooksey8th Magnolia ISD-Magnolia JH
CaidenTittel7th Goose Creek ISD-Goose Creek Combo
CaidenWilliams8th Galveston ISD-Central
CaiusMcCormack6th Tomball ISD-Northpointe-Navy
CalebHynes6th Conroe ISD-Clark-Navy
CalebForray6th Fort Bend ISD-Bowie
CalebMaldonado7th Clear Creek ISD-Clear Creek Combo 2
CalebFloren7th Conroe ISD-York-Blue
CalebKruger7th Conroe ISD-York-White
CalebDriver7th Humble ISD-Kingwood
CalebBalli8th Conroe ISD-Conroe Combo
CalebKuhnel8th Conroe ISD-Knox
CalebJohnson8th Conroe ISD-Knox
CalebFowler8th Conroe ISD-Knox
CalebSalazar8th CyFair ISD-Salyards
CalebEspada8th Humble ISD-West Lake-Green
CalebHumphrey8th Huntsville ISD-Mance Park
CalebHernandez8th Legacy Prep
CallenHolik6th Needville ISD-Needville
CallumSmith8th Legacy Prep
CamdenPutnam6th Friendswood ISD-Friendswood-Blue
CamdenPerdue6th Friendswood ISD-Friendswood-Blue
CamdenRose6th Tomball ISD-Oakcrest-Silver
CamdenHaislip7th Humble ISD-Humble Combo
CamdenTraylor7th Katy ISD-Katy
CamdenStrack7th Klein ISD-Kleb/Strack Combo
CameronRickabaugh6th Conroe ISD-Clark-Navy
CameronJenks7th Humble ISD-West Lake
CameronMartin7th Klein ISD-Kleb/Strack Combo
CameronThibodeaux7th Tomball ISD-Tomball
CampbellKellogg8th CyFair ISD-Spillane
CamrenBreaux8th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills
CamronJoseph8th Humble ISD-West Lake-Navy
CannonMallory8th Huntsville ISD-Mance Park
CanyonGlass7th Montgomery ISD-Montgomery-Purple
CarlosJaramillo7th Pearland ISD-Pearland/Alvin Combo
CarolineMarcos7th Tomball ISD-Creekside/Willow Combo
CarsenEwart8th Tomball ISD-Willow Wood
CarsonLampe6th CyFair ISD-CyFair Combo
CarsonSmith6th Goose Creek ISD-Gentry
CarsonRyser6th Katy ISD-Katy
CarsonJensen7th Conroe ISD-McCullough-Green
CarsonRauch7th Splendora ISD-Splendora
CarsonMyers8th CyFair ISD-Salyards
CarsonHorne8th CyFair ISD-Spillane
CarsonStallings8th Magnolia ISD-Bear Branch JH
CarsonRude8th Tomball ISD-Tomball Combo
CarterChildress6th Barbers Hill ISD-Barbers Hill
CarterHonc6th Clear Creek ISD-Bayside/Westbrook Combo
CarterKrumpholz6th Conroe ISD-Clark-Navy
CarterDworaczyk6th Conroe ISD-Clark-Navy
CarterMcCrary6th Crosby ISD-Crosby
CarterRatliff6th Deer Park ISD-Deer Park Combo
CarterWright6th Humble ISD-West Lake-Green
CarterHoeman6th Humble ISD-Woodcreek
CarterLightfoot7th Conroe ISD-York-Orange
CarterHodge8th Huntsville ISD-Mance Park
CarterKnight8th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills
CaseJohnson6th Clear Creek ISD-Bayside/Westbrook Combo
CaseEwers6th Lamar ISD-Ryon
CashCuku6th Conroe ISD-Clark-Orange
CashFulghum7th Crosby ISD-Crosby
CashRoesner7th Magnolia ISD-Magnolia/New Waverly Combo
CashColeman7th Splendora ISD-Splendora
CashBrooks8th Magnolia ISD-Magnolia JH
CashRoberson8th Needville ISD-Needville
CasonHammond6th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills-Gold
CasonDaniel7th Humble ISD-Kingwood
CesarSIlva6th Klein ISD-Hildebrandt
CharlieCantu6th Conroe ISD-Tough
CharlieGriffith6th Needville ISD-Needville
CharlieJutz7th Tomball ISD-Creekside/Willow Combo
ChaseHenrie6th Katy ISD-Katy Combo
ChaseElmer8th CyFair ISD-Salyards
ChaseArden8th Montgomery ISD-Montgomery/Magnolia Combo
ChristianCervantes6th Barbers Hill ISD-Barbers Hill
ChristianBetancourt6th Humble ISD-Woodcreek
ChristianWeibust6th Tomball ISD-Northpointe-Silver
CJFrank6th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills-Navy
ClarkMcGuire8th CyFair ISD-Spillane
ClayTucker6th Barbers Hill ISD-Barbers Hill
ClaytonStone6th Barbers Hill ISD-Barbers Hill
ClaytonMartinez6th Katy ISD-Katy
ClaytonBennett7th Pearland ISD-Pearland East
ClaytonKercho8th CyFair ISD-Salyards
CobyBoyd7th Katy ISD-Katy
CodyFolkes7th Conroe ISD-York-Orange
CodyPorter7th Katy ISD-Woodcreek
coleshipp6th Humble ISD-West Lake-Navy
ColeStewart6th Montgomery ISD-Montgomery
ColeMcCrackin7th Conroe ISD-Conroe Combo
ColeYockey7th Lamar ISD-Reading
ColeEbbeler7th Tomball ISD-Tomball
ColePrihoda8th CyFair ISD-CyFair Combo
ColeJones8th CyFair ISD-Salyards
ColeTibbs8th Klein ISD-Klein Combo
ColeDaniel8th Magnolia ISD-Magnolia JH
ColeCarman8th Tomball ISD-Willow Wood
ColinHarris6th Friendswood ISD-Friendswood-Blue
ColinJackson7th Katy ISD-Katy Combo
ColinBest8th Klein ISD-Klein Combo
CollierAnselmi6th Tomball ISD-Creekside Park
CollinSisco6th Humble ISD-Humble Combo
CollinKoehler7th Conroe ISD-York-Blue
CollinSchmidt7th Conroe ISD-York-Orange
CollinArquitt7th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills-Gold
CollynSylvester8th Humble ISD-West Lake-Navy
ColtBeard6th Clear Creek ISD-Creekside
ColtMcwhorter6th Crosby ISD-Crosby
ColtSmith6th Katy ISD-Katy
ColtStepp6th Magnolia ISD-Magnolia Int
ColtBancroft6th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills-Gold
ColtGambacurta7th Conroe ISD-York-White
ColtenOberholtzer6th Klein ISD-Klein Combo
ColtenGeorgi8th Needville ISD-Needville
ColtonMcCrory6th Conroe ISD-Clark-Orange
ColtonRemmert6th Conroe ISD-Conroe Combo
ColtonHartis6th Crosby ISD-Crosby
ColtonSuprenant6th CyFair ISD-CyFair Combo
ColtonTill6th Goose Creek ISD-Gentry
ColtonMoreno6th Tomball ISD-Oakcrest-Silver
ColtonSheffler7th Conroe ISD-York-Blue
ColtonSweppenhiser7th Crosby ISD-Crosby
ConnorSmith6th Lamar ISD-Ryon
ConnorStewart6th Magnolia ISD-Magnolia Int
ConnorGriffith6th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills-Gold
ConnorStrickland7th Clear Creek ISD-Clear Creek Combo 2
ConnorEckerty7th Humble ISD-Kingwood
CooperBack6th Conroe ISD-Clark-Navy
CooperBrock6th Conroe ISD-Tough
CooperCollins6th Tomball ISD-Northpointe-Silver
CooperWeathers6th Tomball ISD-Northpointe-Silver
CooperReece7th Conroe ISD-York-Blue
CooperBeck7th Katy ISD-Katy Combo
CooperRobinson8th Klein ISD-Krimmel
CooperLenz8th La Porte ISD-La Porte/Deer Combo
CooperPrice8th Magnolia ISD-Magnolia JH
CooperBoris8th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills
CooperDavis8th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills
CorbinCounseller6th Conroe ISD-Conroe Combo
CorbinHommel6th Katy ISD-Katy Combo
CorbinKocian6th Needville ISD-Needville
Cornelius (CJ)Torres8th Willis ISD-Willis Combo
CoyCotton7th Galveston ISD-Central
CrosbyBryant6th Conroe ISD-Mitchell
CrossYates8th Galveston ISD-Central
CruzGarcia6th Fort Bend ISD-Bowie
CruzCoffelt6th Klein ISD-Hildebrandt
CruzMendoza8th Deer Park ISD-Fairmont
CullenDeady7th Katy ISD-Katy
CullenCreel7th Klein ISD-Hofius
DaltonKness7th Splendora ISD-Splendora
DalynMartin8th Needville ISD-Needville
DamianMora6th Humble ISD-Houston Combo
DamianHernandez7th Katy ISD-Woodcreek
DamienMolina6th Humble ISD-West Lake-Green
DanielKronenberger6th Conroe ISD-Conroe Combo
DanielRojas6th Deer Park ISD-Deer Park Combo
DanielCruz6th Humble ISD-Woodcreek
DannyFuentes Jr8th Humble ISD-West Lake-Green
DanteTamez8th Klein ISD-Klein Combo
DaultonMajewski8th CyFair ISD-CyFair Combo
DavidCasey6th Humble ISD-West Lake-Navy
DavidLarson6th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills-Navy
DavidVelazquez7th Conroe ISD-Conroe Combo
DavidCaldwell jr7th Galveston ISD-Central
DavidSibley7th Woodlands Christian
DavidKeszei8th Conroe ISD-Conroe Combo
David (DJ)Herring6th Tomball ISD-Creekside Park
DavisSummerville6th Conroe ISD-Clark-Orange
DavisShore7th Klein ISD-Hofius
DawsonGlenn7th Conroe ISD-Conroe Combo
DaxGambacurta7th Conroe ISD-York-White
DeaconCarpenter6th Humble ISD-Humble Combo
DeakonThomas6th Montgomery ISD-Montgomery
DeclanGarrett6th Klein ISD-Hildebrandt
DeclanCarlson6th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills-Navy
DejiOregbesan7th Pearland ISD-Pearland East
DenverPowdrill7th Pearland ISD-Pearland East
DerekMosher7th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills-Navy
DesmondBronfman7th Conroe ISD-McCullough-Green
DesmondKnotts7th Humble ISD-West Lake
DiegoWargo7th Clear Creek ISD-Clear Creek Combo 1
DominicMcRoberts7th Klein ISD-Klein Combo
DominicRios8th La Porte ISD-La Porte/Deer Combo
DominicBrashaw8th Tomball ISD-Willow Wood
DominickRayas7th CyFair ISD-CyFair/Waller Combo
DominikArzola8th Humble ISD-West Lake-Navy
DonnieJablonski8th Needville ISD-Needville
DonovanGraham8th Tomball ISD-Creekside Park
DrakeCullen8th Tomball ISD-Tomball Combo
DrewBuckner7th Clear Creek ISD-Clear Creek Combo 2
DrewDavis8th Magnolia ISD-Bear Branch JH
DylanWilliams6th Conroe ISD-Mitchell
DylanAlvarado6th Fort Bend ISD-Bowie
DylanReiter6th Magnolia ISD-Bear Branch Int
DylanMerchant7th Humble ISD-Humble Combo
DylanBerkman7th Klein ISD-Hofius
DylanPederson7th Tomball ISD-Tomball
DylanChevalier8th CyFair ISD-Salyards
DYLANGOUDEAU8th Montgomery ISD-Montgomery/Magnolia Combo
EastonStilwell6th Clear Creek ISD-Clear Creek Combo
EastonMaris6th Goose Creek ISD-Gentry
EastonSims6th Tomball ISD-Northpointe-Silver
EastonCarl6th Tomball ISD-Northpointe-Silver
EastonOrtiz7th Clear Creek ISD-Clear Creek Combo 1
EastonMcCartney7th Klein ISD-Hofius
EastonShreve7th Magnolia ISD-Magnolia/New Waverly Combo
EastonHajovsky7th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills-Navy
EastonBenge8th Needville ISD-Needville
EastonOndruch8th Needville ISD-Needville
EdenMoreno7th Goose Creek ISD-Goose Creek Combo
EdmondMueller6th Conroe ISD-Clark-Orange
EdwinAlvarez8th Katy ISD-Katy Combo
EliArnold6th Barbers Hill ISD-Barbers Hill
EliWard6th Conroe ISD-Mitchell
EliPalma6th Conroe ISD-North Combo
EliShuler6th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills-Navy
EliFord6th Tomball ISD-Oakcrest-Silver
EliHopp7th Klein ISD-Kleb/Strack Combo
EliLaMotta7th Lamar ISD-Lamar/Fort Bend Combo
EliWright7th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills-Navy
EliGarcia8th Deer Park ISD-Fairmont
ElijahWilson6th Conroe ISD-Clark-Navy
ElijahBrown6th Conroe ISD-Collins
EliotHsu6th Humble ISD-Humble Combo
ElliotMills6th Clear Creek ISD-Creekside
EmittHarris7th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills-Navy
EmmanuelDuran8th Humble ISD-West Lake-Green
EmmettHarughty6th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills-Navy
EmmettByrd7th Montgomery ISD-Montgomery-Purple
EmmettGarcia8th La Porte ISD-La Porte/Deer Combo
EmmettKerim8th Tomball ISD-Creekside Park
EmmittRode7th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills-Gold
EmoryClements8th Legacy Prep
Emorytarou8th Tomball ISD-Tomball Combo
EnriqueCaballero8th Humble ISD-West Lake-Navy
EricGarza7th Clear Creek ISD-Clear Creek Combo 2
eriksonBreitinger7th Conroe ISD-York-White
EsojVilchez8th Conroe ISD-Knox
ESTEVANYbarra7th Goose Creek ISD-Goose Creek Combo
EthanBlanco6th Humble ISD-Humble Combo
EthanWarren6th Humble ISD-West Lake-Navy
EthanScholes6th Lamar ISD-Lamar Combo
EthanWolf6th Lamar ISD-Lamar Combo
EthanTran6th Tomball ISD-Northpointe-Silver
EthanTillman7th Humble ISD-West Lake
EthanUrban7th Splendora ISD-Splendora
EthanRider8th Conroe ISD-Knox
EthanTadlock8th Klein ISD-Krimmel
EvanParmer6th Conroe ISD-Conroe Combo
EvanVeenstra6th Klein ISD-Klein Combo
EvanAlvarenga6th Lamar ISD-Lamar Combo
EvanCoughlin6th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills-Gold
EvanLindquist7th Clear Creek ISD-Clear Creek Combo 2
EvanMehok7th Klein ISD-Kleb/Strack Combo
EvanMalkowsky8th CyFair ISD-CyFair Combo
EvanLegendre8th CyFair ISD-Salyards
EvanDavis8th Magnolia ISD-Bear Branch JH
EverettJordan6th Klein ISD-Hildebrandt
EverettHall7th Clear Creek ISD-Clear Creek Combo 1
EverettCleveland7th Tomball ISD-Creekside/Willow Combo
EwanCunningham7th Conroe ISD-York-White
FletcherHoltgrieve7th Conroe ISD-McCullough-Green
FlynnBowers6th Fort Bend ISD-Bowie
FosterBurrer7th Conroe ISD-McCullough-Green
GabrielFreehill6th Lamar ISD-Lamar Combo
GabrielWilganowski7th Tomball ISD-Tomball
GageFetter6th Conroe ISD-Collins
GageStevens7th New Caney ISD-New Caney Combo
GarrettScholtz6th Lamar ISD-Ryon
GarrettBoles7th Tomball ISD-Creekside/Willow Combo
GaryPhillips6th Montgomery ISD-Montgomery
GavinCook6th Conroe ISD-North Combo
GavinCullar6th Klein ISD-Hildebrandt
GavinWhite6th Tomball ISD-Oakcrest-Navy
GavinPatterson8th CyFair ISD-CyFair Combo
GeorgeGibbons VI6th Clear Creek ISD-Bayside/Westbrook Combo
GeraldoHernandez7th New Caney ISD-New Caney Combo
GibsonEngelstad6th Conroe ISD-Collins
GinaWalzel8th Magnolia ISD-Magnolia JH
GiovaniGalvan8th Klein ISD-Krimmel
GiovanniCarrone7th Magnolia ISD-Magnolia/New Waverly Combo
GradyScank8th Legacy Prep
GrahamTralie6th Humble ISD-West Lake-Green
GrantBrooks6th Tomball ISD-Creekside Park
GrantKarim7th Conroe ISD-Conroe Combo
GrantSmith7th Humble ISD-West Lake
GrayShearer7th Woodlands Christian
GraydenStack6th Needville ISD-Needville
GraysonDeville6th Clear Creek ISD-Clear Creek Combo
GraysonBaack6th Magnolia ISD-Bear Branch Int
GraysonWilliams6th Montgomery ISD-Montgomery
GraysonDeLao7th Conroe ISD-York-White
GraysonStaudt7th Katy ISD-Katy
GraysonLandry7th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills-Gold
GraysonHernandez8th Conroe ISD-Conroe Combo
GraysonDaugherty8th Galveston ISD-Central
GreyLeatherwood6th Conroe ISD-Conroe Combo
GreyTapia8th Klein ISD-Krimmel
GreysonBroussard6th Clear Creek ISD-Bayside/Westbrook Combo
GreysonKuehler6th Humble ISD-Houston Combo
GreysonPfisterer6th Magnolia ISD-Bear Branch Int
GreysonFramel6th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills-Gold
GreysonSchonacher7th Lamar ISD-Lamar/Fort Bend Combo
GriffinPullins7th Humble ISD-West Lake
GriffinHerod8th Conroe ISD-Knox
GuillermoRios7th Pearland ISD-Pearland/Alvin Combo
GunnarDepriest7th Katy ISD-Katy
GunnerWilson6th Montgomery ISD-Montgomery
GunnerTarlton8th Deer Park ISD-Fairmont
GusGarza6th Katy ISD-Katy
GusHegemier6th Magnolia ISD-Bear Branch Int
GuyCarter6th Klein ISD-Klein Combo
GuyByers8th La Porte ISD-La Porte/Deer Combo
HagenJackson8th Tomball ISD-Tomball Combo
HalstonMillard6th Clear Creek ISD-Creekside
HankTijerina6th Deer Park ISD-Deer Park Combo
HankChapman6th Needville ISD-Needville
HarperLoggins7th Crosby ISD-Crosby
HarrisMcGuire6th Tomball ISD-Creekside Park
HarrisonKirwin6th CyFair ISD-CyFair Combo
HarrisonMarsters6th Lamar ISD-Lamar Combo
HarryReader7th Splendora ISD-Splendora
HarveyTribo Ruckman8th Humble ISD-Humble Combo
HatcherWatson8th Legacy Prep
HAYDENCOOK6th Clear Creek ISD-Clear Creek Combo
HaydenWilkerson7th Conroe ISD-York-Blue
HaydenMilam7th Conroe ISD-York-White
HaydenCano7th Pearland ISD-Pearland East
HaydenByrd7th Trinity Galveston
HaydenDo7th Woodlands Christian
HaydenWood8th Conroe ISD-Knox
HaydenHaynes8th Humble ISD-West Lake-Navy
HaydenMartin8th Willis ISD-Willis Combo
HenryWilson6th Conroe ISD-Mitchell
HenryWentworth6th Humble ISD-West Lake-Navy
HenryLewis8th CyFair ISD-CyFair Combo
HenryOchoa8th Humble ISD-West Lake-Navy
HenryAday8th Tomball ISD-Willow Wood
HuckRobertson6th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills-Navy
HudsonLeBlanc6th Conroe ISD-Clark-Orange
HudsonRadney6th Goose Creek ISD-Gentry
HudsonYoder6th Humble ISD-West Lake-Navy
HudsonMotal6th Lamar ISD-Ryon
HudsonBelue6th Montgomery ISD-Montgomery
HudsonTarro8th Legacy Prep
HunterMares6th Crosby ISD-Crosby
HunterLeiker6th Fort Bend ISD-Bowie
HunterHill6th Friendswood ISD-Friendswood-Blue
HunterClayton6th Klein ISD-Hildebrandt
HunterHuegel6th Montgomery ISD-Montgomery
HunterBurns6th Tomball ISD-Oakcrest-Navy
HunterFulp7th Clear Creek ISD-Clear Creek Combo 2
HunterHalbrook7th Conroe ISD-York-White
HunterJarrell7th Tomball ISD-Creekside/Willow Combo
HutchHolte7th Conroe ISD-York-Blue
IanWeaver7th Klein ISD-Kleb/Strack Combo
IkerDominguez7th Katy ISD-Katy Combo
IsaacDelgado8th Humble ISD-West Lake-Green
IsaacGarcia8th Tomball ISD-Willow Wood
IsabellaAbusaleh8th Katy ISD-Katy Combo
IsaiahPeña6th CyFair ISD-CyFair Combo
IsaiahDeleon8th Deer Park ISD-Fairmont
IsaiahMarines8th Galveston ISD-Central
IsauroBarrera6th Klein ISD-Klein Combo
IzaakGudino6th Deer Park ISD-Deer Park Combo
IziahAllen8th Willis ISD-Willis Combo
JaceAnzualda6th Humble ISD-Houston Combo
JaceRaybon7th Clear Creek ISD-Clear Creek Combo 1
JaceHamilton7th Conroe ISD-McCullough-Red
JaceTaylor7th New Caney ISD-New Caney Combo
JackBryant6th Friendswood ISD-Friendswood-Blue
JackHughes6th Lamar ISD-Lamar Combo
JackBien6th Lamar ISD-Ryon
Jacksnider6th Tomball ISD-Northpointe-Navy
JackInnerst7th Conroe ISD-McCullough-Green
JackHarris7th Conroe ISD-McCullough-Red
JackLeyva7th Galveston ISD-Central
JackMuecke7th Klein ISD-Klein Combo
JackKosler7th Lamar ISD-Lamar/Fort Bend Combo
JackYarotsky7th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills-Gold
JackPeyton7th Tomball ISD-Creekside/Willow Combo
JackTatum8th CyFair ISD-Salyards
JackBrown8th Humble ISD-Humble Combo
JackRoberts8th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills
JacksonTelle6th Conroe ISD-Conroe Combo
JacksonTalbert6th Humble ISD-Humble Combo
JacksonTowles6th Magnolia ISD-Magnolia Int
JacksonFabre6th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills-Gold
JacksonDempsey7th Clear Creek ISD-Clear Creek Combo 1
JacksonSmithwick7th CyFair ISD-CyFair/Waller Combo
JacksonHennessee7th Humble ISD-West Lake
JacksonDeGiusti7th Katy ISD-Katy
JacksonAndreadis7th Tomball ISD-Tomball
JacksonAguilar8th CyFair ISD-CyFair Combo
JacksonPearce8th Humble ISD-Humble Combo
JacksonBracewell8th Magnolia ISD-Bear Branch JH
JacksonHues8th Willis ISD-Willis Combo
JacobGerondale6th Clear Creek ISD-Clear Creek Combo
JacobVela6th Deer Park ISD-Deer Park Combo
JacobGranados6th Humble ISD-Humble Combo
JacobPfeiffer7th Katy ISD-Katy
JacobNelson7th Katy ISD-Woodcreek
JacobDavis8th Galveston ISD-Central
JacobCernosek8th Willis ISD-Willis Combo
JaggerJones6th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills-Gold
JaggerCruz7th Galveston ISD-Central
JaggerMcRae8th Needville ISD-Needville
JakeGarnett6th Friendswood ISD-Friendswood-Blue
JakeGarza6th Tomball ISD-Oakcrest-Navy
JakeChambers6th Tomball ISD-Tomball
JakobThomas6th Tomball ISD-Northpointe-Silver
JamesBaudouin6th Conroe ISD-Tough
JamesLittle6th Klein ISD-Klein Combo
JamesBrooks7th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills-Gold
JamesWilliams8th Humble ISD-West Lake-Navy
JamesonPowell6th Katy ISD-Katy
JamesonHoff7th Conroe ISD-McCullough-Red
JamesonPirie8th Conroe ISD-Conroe Combo
JanVasquez7th CyFair ISD-CyFair/Waller Combo
JaseDickerson6th Conroe ISD-North Combo
JasonSmock Jr8th Conroe ISD-Conroe Combo
JasonBriggs8th Legacy Prep
JavierGonzalez7th Lamar ISD-Reading
JavierMartinez8th Tomball ISD-Creekside Park
JaxMarek6th Humble ISD-Woodcreek
JaxGarcia7th Galveston ISD-Central
JaxksonBose8th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills
JaxonWilson6th Barbers Hill ISD-Barbers Hill
JaxonOlesen7th Conroe ISD-Conroe Combo
JaxonPhillips8th Humble ISD-West Lake-Navy
JaxonJensen8th Magnolia ISD-Bear Branch JH
JaxsonRoussel6th Humble ISD-West Lake-Navy
JaxsonParma6th Katy ISD-Katy
JaxsonPackard6th Lamar ISD-Lamar Combo
JayRodriguez6th Crosby ISD-Crosby
JayEilers6th Tomball ISD-Tomball
JayceReagan8th Conroe ISD-Irons
JaydenEspinoza6th Humble ISD-Houston Combo
JaydenCalvert8th CyFair ISD-Spillane
JaydenPerez8th Deer Park ISD-Fairmont
JaydenChacon8th Deer Park ISD-Fairmont
JefferyPrince III6th Clear Creek ISD-Creekside
JeffreyCrystal6th Humble ISD-West Lake-Green
JensenPell6th Goose Creek ISD-Gentry
JeredONeill7th Humble ISD-West Lake
JeremiahDoby7th Crosby ISD-Crosby
JeremiahVance8th La Porte ISD-La Porte/Deer Combo
JeremyRaub8th Klein ISD-Klein Combo
JesseQuackenbush6th Humble ISD-Humble Combo
JettRodriguez6th Conroe ISD-Conroe Combo
JettTapia8th Klein ISD-Krimmel
JhordynMiles7th Woodlands Christian
JimmyWard6th Katy ISD-Katy
JoeONeil8th Klein ISD-Klein Combo
JoelPerkins6th Conroe ISD-Clark-Navy
JoeyKim6th Conroe ISD-Tough
JohnCarson IV6th Deer Park ISD-Deer Park Combo
JohnCarver6th Friendswood ISD-Friendswood-Blue
JohnAlders6th Montgomery ISD-Montgomery
JohnCompean7th Conroe ISD-York-White
JohnBrown7th Woodlands Christian
JonahAbramsky7th Clear Creek ISD-Clear Creek Combo 2
JonathanMedrano7th CyFair ISD-CyFair/Waller Combo
JonathanDavenport7th New Caney ISD-New Caney Combo
JordanThomas8th Klein ISD-Krimmel
JoseLoera6th Clear Creek ISD-Clear Creek Combo
JoseRendon7th Crosby ISD-Crosby
JoseTerrazas8th Katy ISD-Katy Combo
Jose DanielGonzalez7th Katy ISD-Katy Combo
JosephMorad6th CyFair ISD-CyFair Combo
JosephAviles6th Humble ISD-Houston Combo
JosephSalazar Jr.6th Klein ISD-Hildebrandt
JosephONeill8th Montgomery ISD-Montgomery/Magnolia Combo
JoshJones7th Galveston ISD-Central
JoshuaWard6th Conroe ISD-Tough
JoshuaHouston6th Needville ISD-Needville
JoshuaCook6th Tomball ISD-Creekside Park
JoshuaLove6th Tomball ISD-Oakcrest-Silver
Joshuarobichau7th Conroe ISD-York-Blue
JoshuaPlaisance7th CyFair ISD-CyFair/Waller Combo
JozefSvadlenak6th Conroe ISD-Conroe Combo
JTLoewen8th Conroe ISD-Conroe Combo
JTCortez8th Conroe ISD-Knox
JuanMuniz6th Deer Park ISD-Deer Park Combo
JudahTrice6th Conroe ISD-Collins
JudeFulham7th Conroe ISD-McCullough-Green
JudeLerner7th Trinity Galveston
JudeLynch7th Trinity Galveston
JudeAmato8th Conroe ISD-Irons
JudsonWall7th Magnolia ISD-Magnolia/New Waverly Combo
JulianRamirez6th Crosby ISD-Crosby
JulianCharzynski6th Katy ISD-Katy Combo
JulianHollinquest6th Needville ISD-Needville
JulianHoyos7th Katy ISD-Katy
JULIANPEREZ JR.7th Klein ISD-Klein Combo
JulianGarcia8th Galveston ISD-Central
JulioRivero8th Humble ISD-West Lake-Green
JUSTINBOHACK7th Montgomery ISD-Montgomery-Purple
JustinWalling8th Tomball ISD-Tomball Combo
JustnJiminez8th Deer Park ISD-Fairmont
KadeGraeber7th Lamar ISD-Reading
KadeKessler8th CyFair ISD-Salyards
KADECUTLER8th Magnolia ISD-Magnolia JH
KadenKaras6th Conroe ISD-Clark-Navy
KadenLeRoy6th Conroe ISD-North Combo
KadenGibson6th Magnolia ISD-Bear Branch Int
KadenBumpous7th Humble ISD-Kingwood
KadenKainer7th Klein ISD-Hofius
KadenEvans7th Pearland ISD-Pearland East
KadenPringle8th Klein ISD-Krimmel
KadinAkin8th Magnolia ISD-Bear Branch JH
KAIFlores7th Katy ISD-Katy
kaidenkubicki6th Tomball ISD-Northpointe-Navy
KalebWard7th Conroe ISD-McCullough-Green
KalebHeads7th CyFair ISD-CyFair/Waller Combo
kalebkubicki7th Tomball ISD-Creekside/Willow Combo
KalinCaffey6th Clear Creek ISD-Bayside/Westbrook Combo
KamdonJones7th Clear Creek ISD-Clear Creek Combo 1
KaneHopkins7th Galveston ISD-Central
KannonVaughan7th Clear Creek ISD-Clear Creek Combo 1
KarsonMaschke6th Conroe ISD-Conroe Combo
KarsonSugarek6th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills-Gold
KaseChavez7th Clear Creek ISD-Clear Creek Combo 2
KashPemberton8th Tomball ISD-Creekside Park
KashtonKillough7th Conroe ISD-York-Orange
KashtonWilliams7th Conroe ISD-York-Orange
KasonConnell6th Conroe ISD-Mitchell
KasonWyatt7th Montgomery ISD-Montgomery-Purple
KasonPark7th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills-Gold
KastonEchtler8th Huntsville ISD-Mance Park
KaydenChapa6th Tomball ISD-Tomball
KaydenCross7th Clear Creek ISD-Clear Creek Combo 2
KaydenDanielson7th Conroe ISD-York-White
KeatonWhitener7th Conroe ISD-York-Orange
KeeganLawler7th Lamar ISD-Lamar/Fort Bend Combo
KellyWood7th CyFair ISD-CyFair/Waller Combo
KemperYork6th Montgomery ISD-Montgomery
KentonFann6th Clear Creek ISD-Bayside/Westbrook Combo
KentonParkinson7th Lamar ISD-Lamar/Fort Bend Combo
KevinIslas8th Willis ISD-Willis Combo
KhristianZavala6th Crosby ISD-Crosby
KhyranJohn7th Crosby ISD-Crosby
KingstonKaramath6th Conroe ISD-Mitchell
KingstonPope7th Galveston ISD-Central
KingstonStotts8th Humble ISD-West Lake-Green
KipAutrey7th Splendora ISD-Splendora
KiptonMoody8th Willis ISD-Willis Combo
KnoxLewis7th Klein ISD-Kleb/Strack Combo
KnoxBriner8th Klein ISD-Krimmel
KobeDo7th Lamar ISD-Lamar/Fort Bend Combo
KohltonShepherd6th Barbers Hill ISD-Barbers Hill
KolbyLarrison7th Montgomery ISD-Montgomery-Purple
KolesonKeel6th Montgomery ISD-Montgomery
KolsonJohnston7th Conroe ISD-McCullough-Green
KoltPotter6th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills-Gold
KoltonBrooks6th Magnolia ISD-Magnolia Int
KoltonKrause8th Conroe ISD-Irons
KonnorKnight7th Clear Creek ISD-Clear Creek Combo 1
KonnorBarton8th CyFair ISD-Salyards
KorbinUsher7th Splendora ISD-Splendora
KordWoods8th Huntsville ISD-Mance Park
KyPratt8th Conroe ISD-Irons
KyanCaldwell7th Galveston ISD-Central
KyleMatuszewski6th Conroe ISD-Tough
KyleJones7th Pearland ISD-Pearland/Alvin Combo
KyleStoutner8th CyFair ISD-Salyards
LanceJordan7th Goose Creek ISD-Goose Creek Combo
LandenBurrow6th Montgomery ISD-Montgomery
LandonHigh6th Clear Creek ISD-Creekside
LandonCoulter6th Conroe ISD-Clark-Orange
LandonRummel6th Humble ISD-Humble Combo
LandonAyers7th Conroe ISD-York-Blue
LandonDuhon7th Humble ISD-Humble Combo
LandonButler8th Galveston ISD-Central
LaneWeatherly7th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills-Navy
LaneGaither7th Splendora ISD-Splendora
LarkinCalhoun6th Klein ISD-Hildebrandt
LarryAnguiano7th New Caney ISD-New Caney Combo
LarryHarsh, JR8th CyFair ISD-Spillane
LaSeanSpidle7th Humble ISD-West Lake
LathanLindsey6th Tomball ISD-Tomball
LathanBonetti8th Montgomery ISD-Montgomery/Magnolia Combo
LaytonRoby7th Tomball ISD-Tomball
LeelanLopez8th Humble ISD-West Lake-Green
LelandAndreadis7th Tomball ISD-Tomball
LeoWhalen6th Tomball ISD-Northpointe-Navy
LeviAguirre7th Magnolia ISD-Magnolia/New Waverly Combo
LeviNicoletti7th Montgomery ISD-Montgomery-Purple
LeviCranford8th Humble ISD-Humble Combo
LeviGann8th Klein ISD-Klein Combo
LiamSchrenk6th Conroe ISD-Mitchell
LiamFelix6th Goose Creek ISD-Gentry
LiamBallew6th Katy ISD-Katy
LiamHaverstock6th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills-Navy
LiamDomingo-Donovan7th Conroe ISD-McCullough-Red
LiamBroderick7th Klein ISD-Kleb/Strack Combo
LiamStewart7th Tomball ISD-Tomball
LiamCoughlin8th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills
LincolnRidenour6th Tomball ISD-Oakcrest-Navy
LincolnGibbs7th Clear Creek ISD-Clear Creek Combo 2
LincolnGonzalez7th Klein ISD-Klein Combo
LincolnJacobs7th Splendora ISD-Splendora
LinusSchexnider7th Conroe ISD-Conroe Combo
LochtanNott8th Tomball ISD-Creekside Park
LoganPeterson6th Klein ISD-Hildebrandt
LoganSmith6th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills-Navy
LOGANPASCH8th Katy ISD-Katy Combo
Logan "Joe"Holub8th Tomball ISD-Creekside Park
LorenzoCarrizales6th Humble ISD-Houston Combo
LucasKrivak6th Clear Creek ISD-Clear Creek Combo
LucasHermis8th Conroe ISD-Conroe Combo
LucasParr8th Conroe ISD-Irons
LucasHabrial8th Legacy Prep
LukaMcClellan8th Deer Park ISD-Fairmont
LukeBowerman6th Barbers Hill ISD-Barbers Hill
LukeMerino6th Clear Creek ISD-Creekside
LukeRepasi6th Conroe ISD-Clark-Orange
LukeThompson6th CyFair ISD-CyFair Combo
LukeRamirez6th Fort Bend ISD-Bowie
LukeHelmke6th Lamar ISD-Lamar Combo
LukeSchaferling6th Magnolia ISD-Bear Branch Int
LukeFlores6th Magnolia ISD-Magnolia Int
LukeWarren6th Tomball ISD-Creekside Park
LukeSiduguen6th Tomball ISD-Oakcrest-Navy
LukeBragg6th Tomball ISD-Oakcrest-Navy
LukeMasel7th Galveston ISD-Central
LukeStansifer7th Klein ISD-Kleb/Strack Combo
LukeCrowe7th Klein ISD-Klein Combo
LukeWilliams7th Lamar ISD-Reading
LukeCollins7th Montgomery ISD-Montgomery-Purple
LukeGarner7th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills-Navy
LukeDuncan7th Pearland ISD-Pearland/Alvin Combo
LukeHolasek7th Tomball ISD-Tomball
LukeGonzalez7th Woodlands Christian
LukeBaker8th Tomball ISD-Willow Wood
MacSullivan7th Trinity Galveston
MaddenFares7th Conroe ISD-McCullough-Red
MaddingPoutra7th Conroe ISD-York-White
MaddoxMoretti6th Conroe ISD-Tough
MadixBoudreaux7th Humble ISD-West Lake
MajorCiers8th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills
MalachiSamuel7th Lamar ISD-Lamar/Fort Bend Combo
malikrobinson8th Galveston ISD-Central
MarcelloFerullo6th Conroe ISD-Collins
MarcusChonko8th Humble ISD-Humble Combo
MarianoMoreno6th Clear Creek ISD-Clear Creek Combo
MarkRichards7th Humble ISD-Humble Combo
MarshallRichards6th Humble ISD-Woodcreek
MasonHughes6th Barbers Hill ISD-Barbers Hill
MasonGunn6th Conroe ISD-Collins
MasonBradford6th Conroe ISD-Collins
MasonCurphy6th Humble ISD-Humble Combo
MasonWestern6th Humble ISD-West Lake-Green
MasonEdmiston6th Lamar ISD-Ryon
MasonMcCann6th Montgomery ISD-Montgomery
MasonWilliams7th Clear Creek ISD-Clear Creek Combo 1
MasonCyplik7th Conroe ISD-York-Blue
MasonHollywood7th Goose Creek ISD-Goose Creek Combo
MasonGreene7th Humble ISD-West Lake
MasonGolczynski7th Katy ISD-Katy Combo
MasonMunoz7th Klein ISD-Klein Combo
MasonEdgar7th Montgomery ISD-Montgomery-Purple
MasonPoorman7th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills-Navy
MasonRose7th New Caney ISD-New Caney Combo
MasonRivera7th New Caney ISD-New Caney Combo
MasonFalco7th Pearland ISD-Pearland/Alvin Combo
MasonFearmonti Garcia7th Pearland ISD-Pearland/Alvin Combo
MasonMixon7th Tomball ISD-Creekside/Willow Combo
MasonPayne8th Conroe ISD-Irons
MasonWatson8th Magnolia ISD-Bear Branch JH
MasonKing8th Magnolia ISD-Bear Branch JH
MasonKnott8th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills
MasonDaerr8th Tomball ISD-Creekside Park
MasonMoya8th Tomball ISD-Willow Wood
MatiasGalue6th Katy ISD-Katy Combo
MattSlaven8th Conroe ISD-Knox
MattewPoole7th Katy ISD-Katy Combo
MatthewJonczak6th Klein ISD-Hildebrandt
MatthewHildebrand7th Humble ISD-Humble Combo
MatthewBluzard7th Klein ISD-Kleb/Strack Combo
MatthewKozak7th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills-Gold
MatthewHollas8th Conroe ISD-Knox
MatthewStone8th CyFair ISD-CyFair Combo
MatthewCanales8th CyFair ISD-Spillane
MatthewBarajas8th Humble ISD-West Lake-Navy
Matthew qNunez6th CyFair ISD-CyFair Combo
MaverickThomas7th Pearland ISD-Pearland East
MaxFigueroa6th Clear Creek ISD-Creekside
MaxScott7th CyFair ISD-CyFair/Waller Combo
MaxSchneider7th Humble ISD-Humble Combo
MaxMunoz8th Humble ISD-Humble Combo
MaxAyala8th Klein ISD-Krimmel
Maximusnguyen6th CyFair ISD-CyFair Combo
MaxtonAlexander6th Tomball ISD-Northpointe-Silver
McCoyMitchell6th Conroe ISD-Collins
McCoyStanfield7th Conroe ISD-McCullough-Red
MicahSorola6th Conroe ISD-Collins
MicahBarra7th Tomball ISD-Creekside/Willow Combo
MicahAnthis8th Humble ISD-Humble Combo
MicahHickman8th Humble ISD-West Lake-Green
MicahGibson8th Huntsville ISD-Mance Park
MichaelFrankie6th Fort Bend ISD-Bowie
MIchaelGomez6th Goose Creek ISD-Gentry
MichaelJochen6th Needville ISD-Needville
MichaelCarter7th Clear Creek ISD-Clear Creek Combo 1
MichaelLinzy7th Pearland ISD-Pearland/Alvin Combo
MichaelMartinez7th Pearland ISD-Pearland/Alvin Combo
MichaelLafferty8th Conroe ISD-Conroe Combo
MichaelCastillo8th CyFair ISD-CyFair Combo
MikahSandridge6th Barbers Hill ISD-Barbers Hill
MikeFielden III6th Clear Creek ISD-Bayside/Westbrook Combo
MilesBoudreaux7th Montgomery ISD-Montgomery-Purple
MilesHaas7th Pearland ISD-Pearland East
MilesDobson8th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills
MiseiSakamoto7th Katy ISD-Katy Combo
MorganStewart6th Klein ISD-Klein Combo
MorganAvalos6th Tomball ISD-Tomball
NathanNjeru6th Clear Creek ISD-Creekside
NathanMenefee7th Humble ISD-Kingwood
NathanThurber7th Humble ISD-West Lake
NathanielDela Cruz6th Humble ISD-Humble Combo
NathanielDominguez6th Katy ISD-Katy Combo
NicholasFlores6th Deer Park ISD-Deer Park Combo
NicholasBlackall7th Conroe ISD-Conroe Combo
NicholasDressen7th New Caney ISD-New Caney Combo
NoahHerin6th Conroe ISD-Clark-Navy
NoahQuintanilla6th Katy ISD-Katy Combo
NoahGonzalez6th Klein ISD-Klein Combo
NoahGregory6th Lamar ISD-Ryon
NoahBaird6th Tomball ISD-Northpointe-Silver
NoahSoto6th Tomball ISD-Oakcrest-Silver
NoahRobison7th Klein ISD-Hofius
NoahWells7th Pearland ISD-Pearland East
NoahPerez7th Pearland ISD-Pearland East
NoahMatthews7th Pearland ISD-Pearland/Alvin Combo
NoahMayfield8th La Porte ISD-La Porte/Deer Combo
NoahPruiett8th Magnolia ISD-Magnolia JH
NolanRockett6th Conroe ISD-Clark-Navy
NolanHurl6th Klein ISD-Hildebrandt
NolanBudnick7th Humble ISD-Kingwood
NolanBelcik7th Katy ISD-Katy
NolanBrunasso7th Tomball ISD-Tomball
ohmpatel6th Lamar ISD-Lamar Combo
OliverOsbourne7th Katy ISD-Woodcreek
OliverDean7th Trinity Galveston
OrlandoGonzales8th La Porte ISD-La Porte/Deer Combo
OscarReyes6th Humble ISD-Houston Combo
OwenTuttle6th Conroe ISD-Tough
OwenSaavedra6th Humble ISD-West Lake-Green
OWENMAHAN6th Humble ISD-Woodcreek
OwenBleakley8th Conroe ISD-Conroe Combo
OwenRiness8th Conroe ISD-Conroe Combo
PabloRuiz6th Humble ISD-Humble Combo
PabloHarmon7th Klein ISD-Kleb/Strack Combo
PabloRivera8th Tomball ISD-Tomball Combo
ParkerMcDonald6th Deer Park ISD-Deer Park Combo
ParkerHarris6th Goose Creek ISD-Gentry
ParkerCornell6th Tomball ISD-Creekside Park
ParkerAnderson6th Tomball ISD-Oakcrest-Navy
ParkerHouston7th Conroe ISD-York-Blue
ParkerJones7th Katy ISD-Katy Combo
ParkerAmend7th Klein ISD-Hofius
ParkerQuezada7th Klein ISD-Kleb/Strack Combo
ParkerJackson7th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills-Gold
ParkerBraud8th Conroe ISD-Knox
PatrickRandel6th Crosby ISD-Crosby
PaxtonTucker7th Klein ISD-Hofius
PaxtonMcCormack7th Tomball ISD-Creekside/Willow Combo
PaxtonHackney8th CyFair ISD-CyFair Combo
PaysonShed8th Klein ISD-Krimmel
PearsonBryan7th Klein ISD-Klein Combo
PeterRodriguez6th Conroe ISD-Clark-Orange
PeytonCoulter6th Humble ISD-Woodcreek
PeytonBlakley7th Montgomery ISD-Montgomery-Purple
PeytonMcMurray7th Splendora ISD-Splendora
PeytonConnell7th Splendora ISD-Splendora
PierceLathrop6th Fort Bend ISD-Bowie
PierceSorrell6th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills-Navy
PierceAdams7th New Caney ISD-New Caney Combo
PierceCedillo7th Tomball ISD-Creekside/Willow Combo
PierceJasper8th Magnolia ISD-Magnolia JH
PiersonLand8th Humble ISD-West Lake-Navy
PikeJahncke7th Conroe ISD-McCullough-Red
Player First NamePlayer Last NameMSM Team
PresronWhitaker7th Klein ISD-Hofius
PryceHerbstritt7th Conroe ISD-York-Orange
QuinnFreeman6th Magnolia ISD-Magnolia Int
RafaelOlivares6th Friendswood ISD-Friendswood-Blue
raulvega8th Katy ISD-Katy Combo
RaymondColunga6th Humble ISD-Woodcreek
ReedCodrington6th Conroe ISD-Clark-Orange
ReidPrzybyla7th Woodlands Christian
ReidAndrews8th CyFair ISD-Spillane
ReydanSalas7th Lamar ISD-Reading
RicardoAlvarez6th Goose Creek ISD-Gentry
RichardGonzalez6th Lamar ISD-Lamar Combo
RileyShedd7th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills-Navy
RobertNichols II6th Crosby ISD-Crosby
RobertLochridge6th Humble ISD-West Lake-Navy
RobertMarsh7th Klein ISD-Klein Combo
RohnnielLegaspi7th Katy ISD-Katy Combo
RomamAtchison7th Klein ISD-Klein Combo
RomeoMontilla6th Humble ISD-Houston Combo
RossHolberg8th Tomball ISD-Tomball Combo
RoyalPatton7th Katy ISD-Katy
RushGurley6th Tomball ISD-Northpointe-Navy
RyanJackson6th CyFair ISD-CyFair Combo
RyanBrendle6th Humble ISD-Woodcreek
RyanEubanks6th Tomball ISD-Tomball
RyanWalzel7th Conroe ISD-McCullough-Red
RyanBarnett8th La Porte ISD-La Porte/Deer Combo
RyanBoltz8th Tomball ISD-Willow Wood
RyderSelby7th Conroe ISD-McCullough-Green
RyderGaspard8th Katy ISD-Katy Combo
RykenBennett7th Humble ISD-Kingwood
RykerRivera7th New Caney ISD-New Caney Combo
RylandAdamson7th Conroe ISD-York-White
RyleighMcMillian6th Tomball ISD-Tomball
SailorHarkins7th Trinity Galveston
SamWelkie8th Conroe ISD-Conroe Combo
SammyFindley6th Magnolia ISD-Magnolia Int
SamuelBratton6th Clear Creek ISD-Creekside
SamuelGallego6th Conroe ISD-North Combo
SamuelPoole7th Conroe ISD-York-Orange
SamuelObando7th Lamar ISD-Lamar/Fort Bend Combo
SamuelVannoy8th Magnolia ISD-Bear Branch JH
SantiagoQuintana6th Katy ISD-Katy Combo
SantiagoOviedo8th Klein ISD-Klein Combo
SawyerAndrus7th Humble ISD-Humble Combo
SawyerCook7th Trinity Galveston
ScottyBrieger8th Legacy Prep
SebastianRiera Ramos7th Katy ISD-Katy Combo
SebastianQuinones7th Lamar ISD-Lamar/Fort Bend Combo
SebastianFerrer8th Humble ISD-West Lake-Green
SebastianGarcia8th Magnolia ISD-Bear Branch JH
SethJohnston6th Clear Creek ISD-Clear Creek Combo
ShaneGrawe6th Lamar ISD-Ryon
ShaneReynolds7th Humble ISD-Humble Combo
ShanePhillips8th Magnolia ISD-Magnolia JH
ShawnAllen Jr6th Conroe ISD-North Combo
ShawnTaylor8th Magnolia ISD-Magnolia JH
ShepherdMartin6th Conroe ISD-Mitchell
ShinerMurphy8th La Porte ISD-La Porte/Deer Combo
SilasJohnson7th Lamar ISD-Reading
SilasMoore7th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills-Gold
SladeBaker7th Conroe ISD-York-Blue
SlaydenSanchez6th Clear Creek ISD-Bayside/Westbrook Combo
SlaytonLangley7th Crosby ISD-Crosby
SolomonDool7th Klein ISD-Klein Combo
SpencerGoykhman6th Tomball ISD-Oakcrest-Navy
StephenBilley8th Humble ISD-West Lake-Green
SterlingMcCormack8th Tomball ISD-Tomball Combo
SterlingSeay8th Willis ISD-Willis Combo
StetsonClover6th Magnolia ISD-Bear Branch Int
StetsonThomas6th Tomball ISD-Oakcrest-Silver
StetsonMcKinley7th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills-Navy
StoneStewart6th Tomball ISD-Oakcrest-Navy
StrattonGallat7th Lamar ISD-Lamar/Fort Bend Combo
SullivanVegas7th Woodlands Christian
TallonCruz8th Magnolia ISD-Magnolia JH
TannerKlentz8th Needville ISD-Needville
TaylorHampton8th Humble ISD-Humble Combo
TayvenLye7th Humble ISD-Kingwood
TeaganBarnes7th Klein ISD-Hofius
TerrenceCollier8th Humble ISD-Humble Combo
TexanRosenbaum6th Deer Park ISD-Deer Park Combo
ThiagoTorres6th Katy ISD-Katy Combo
ThomasNeely7th Humble ISD-Humble Combo
ThomasBooth7th Trinity Galveston
TimothyCouncil6th Conroe ISD-Tough
TimothyHawkins6th Friendswood ISD-Friendswood-Blue
TimothyWittneben6th Needville ISD-Needville
TiptonLyon6th Fort Bend ISD-Bowie
TJShaw6th Montgomery ISD-Montgomery
ToddHarned7th Clear Creek ISD-Clear Creek Combo 1
ToddPriddy8th Tomball ISD-Willow Wood
TommyLee7th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills-Navy
TownesPeterek7th Trinity Galveston
TraceWilliams8th Willis ISD-Willis Combo
TracenJones8th Magnolia ISD-Bear Branch JH
TravisDeLeon7th Katy ISD-Woodcreek
TravisRobinson7th Pearland ISD-Pearland/Alvin Combo
TreyMoore6th Fort Bend ISD-Bowie
TreyDockery7th Conroe ISD-McCullough-Green
TreyChandler7th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills-Navy
TrilianFletcher8th Conroe ISD-Irons
TrippButler6th Friendswood ISD-Friendswood-Blue
TrippThiel7th Lamar ISD-Reading
TristanCaston6th Humble ISD-West Lake-Green
TristanGraves6th Tomball ISD-Oakcrest-Silver
TristanJohnson6th Tomball ISD-Tomball
TristanBice7th Clear Creek ISD-Clear Creek Combo 1
TristanNavarrete8th Klein ISD-Krimmel
TristianPADUA7th Pearland ISD-Pearland East
TroyLege8th La Porte ISD-La Porte/Deer Combo
TrumanRobinson7th Goose Creek ISD-Goose Creek Combo
TuckerAmanollahi6th Magnolia ISD-Magnolia Int
TuckorOliver6th Conroe ISD-Clark-Orange
TurnerViehoefer6th Conroe ISD-North Combo
TyOndrovich8th Deer Park ISD-Fairmont
TyeLabay8th Magnolia ISD-Magnolia JH
TylerRailey6th Katy ISD-Katy
TylerWinter6th Tomball ISD-Creekside Park
TylerGreening7th Crosby ISD-Crosby
TylerBreland7th Katy ISD-Woodcreek
TylerClark7th Woodlands Christian
TylerEvans8th CyFair ISD-CyFair Combo
TylerHampton8th Humble ISD-Humble Combo
TylerVogelsang8th Klein ISD-Klein Combo
TylerSullivan8th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills
TyneLuker7th Splendora ISD-Splendora
TysonBlack6th Friendswood ISD-Friendswood-Blue
TysonAguilar7th Humble ISD-West Lake
ValentinoPickett7th Lamar ISD-Reading
VanceFuller6th Tomball ISD-Oakcrest-Silver
VictorVallejo8th CyFair ISD-CyFair Combo
VincentValicevic6th Conroe ISD-Mitchell
VincentNarcy8th Katy ISD-Katy Combo
WadeCamp7th Magnolia ISD-Magnolia/New Waverly Combo
WaltWaits6th Magnolia ISD-Bear Branch Int
WarrenLangley7th Magnolia ISD-Magnolia/New Waverly Combo
WaylonHarris6th Tomball ISD-Tomball
WestonBabcock6th Conroe ISD-Collins
WestonDussetschleger6th Fort Bend ISD-Bowie
WestonJohnson6th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills-Navy
WestonHammonds6th Needville ISD-Needville
WestonBusse7th Magnolia ISD-Magnolia/New Waverly Combo
WestonOwen7th Pearland ISD-Pearland/Alvin Combo
WestonHall7th Woodlands Christian
WestonGoines8th La Porte ISD-La Porte/Deer Combo
WillStrawbridge6th Humble ISD-West Lake-Navy
WillMuecke6th Klein ISD-Klein Combo
WilliamCullen6th Katy ISD-Katy
WilliamKania6th Katy ISD-Katy Combo
williamjardin6th Tomball ISD-Creekside Park
WilliamIves6th Tomball ISD-Northpointe-Navy
WilliamSurber6th Tomball ISD-Northpointe-Navy
WilliamBauml7th Pearland ISD-Pearland/Alvin Combo
WilliamPrzybyla7th Woodlands Christian
WilliamSitton8th Legacy Prep
William “Cooper”Gifford6th Needville ISD-Needville
WinstonHallum7th Katy ISD-Woodcreek
Wyattvoss6th Clear Creek ISD-Clear Creek Combo
WyattEdwards6th Conroe ISD-Conroe Combo
WyattMinton6th Conroe ISD-Mitchell
WyattWilliams6th Conroe ISD-Mitchell
WyattLandry6th Conroe ISD-Mitchell
WyattWischnewsky6th Tomball ISD-Northpointe-Navy
WyattSowell7th Conroe ISD-York-Orange
WyattRichey8th Conroe ISD-Irons
WyattPeek8th Conroe ISD-Irons
WyattPape8th Legacy Prep
XavierCastaneda6th Humble ISD-Woodcreek
XAVIERLEDEE7th Pearland ISD-Pearland East
YashPatil7th Katy ISD-Katy Combo
Yi (Cody)Qi7th Pearland ISD-Pearland/Alvin Combo
ZacMora6th Barbers Hill ISD-Barbers Hill
ZachRapp8th Katy ISD-Katy Combo
ZacharyOlsen6th Conroe ISD-North Combo
ZacharyLogan6th Lamar ISD-Lamar Combo
ZacharyMcCoy7th Conroe ISD-Conroe Combo
ZackaryMartin7th CyFair ISD-CyFair/Waller Combo
ZakaiParker7th Montgomery ISD-Oak Hills-Gold
ZaneHanna6th Deer Park ISD-Deer Park Combo
ZaneLawrence7th Conroe ISD-Conroe Combo
ZaneLynn7th Klein ISD-Hofius
ZaneBaucke7th Magnolia ISD-Magnolia/New Waverly Combo

*This list is best on larger device or turn mobile sideways





Package 1 - $115

Package 1 w/Cap - $130

Package 2 - $155

Package 2 w/Cap - $165

Package 3 - $170

Package 3 w/Cap - $180

Package 4 - $190

Package 4 w/Cap - $200

Our Fall lineup includes:

➡️Custom Sublimated Jersey
➡️ Tournament T-Shirt
➡️ Custom heavy weight Hoodie
🚨 NEW! Cage Jacket with Convertble Sleeves*
➡️ Caps

Designs change every event with a gear reveal coming soon but our parent/player focus group has certfied them 'sick'.

*Cage Jacket IMO is our nicest piece of gear we have ever produced. Tons of features and  removalable sleeves....its NICE!

  • Two front zippered pockets
  • Locking drawcord on bottom hem
  • 1/4 zip neck line
  • Rear mesh yoke
  • Breathable mesh side inserts
  • Removable sleeves
  • Grey with small MSM logo - so you can match your current team.
Hoodies - Heavyweight performance hoodie in your schools design. These are SUPER popular! We get 100s of requests after to order more that we have to turn away...get it now. Heavyweight at 20oz fabric (adult m)

We have added the packages and sizers below so that you can make your best choice. At this time we can't mix sizes. In general the Tees are True to Size, Jerseys are roomier by design (add some length to tuck), and then Hoodies/Jackets are even roomier.

👀Some common notes
- Parents regret not getting hoodies.
- YM is really REALLY small!



Email: wes@middleschoolmatchup.com

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Send us a message on our Facebook Messenger



View the FAQs here: Link

**These FAQ are general answers but different events may have slightly different rules.

What PLAYERS Like You Are Saying:

I’ve never had that much fun playing baseball

 The boys were smiling all day! When we got in the car, my son said, “That was awesome! I’ve never had that much fun playing baseball!” It was great seeing the boys meet new friends, connect with old friends & become teammates!

~ J. Reagan ~

What an amazing day. We Had an absolute blast

What an amazing day playing in Middle School Matchup. To say the day was exciting is an understatement. Classmates from various teams came together as one and memories were made. Had an absolute blast.

~ S McBryde ~

the best event out there even better than cooperstown.

Coaching for the last few years, never seen a team so pumped and excited to play as these middle school teams. Amazing event to see all the kids playing with classmates for the first time. It's the best event out there by far...yes, even Cooperstown.

~ L. Rodd ~

What is Middle School Matchup?

MSM is a unique weekend tournament for middle school players in areas that do not have formal middle school teams. At MSM we align players by middle school, regardless of skill level, and give them the special chance to take a short break from their current team! Smiles and high-fives are guaranteed.

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